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Understanding Clickbank


Step 1: Go to the Clickbank Marketplace

Presumption: You have set up a Clickbank account (free). Click here to join

Click on “Marketplace”


The best area to search is “Business to Business” – so choose that category
You'll notice there are a TON of different products you can promote.


Step 2: Select a category.
Tip: I've found that the business to business category tends to sell the best


Step 3:   Take note of the stats/data below each product. You'll see something like the following:

$/sale: $30.44 | Future $: - | Total $/sale: $30.44 | %/sale: 75.0% | %refd: 75.0% | grav: 123.91

$/sale is the amount of money that you will make if you promote their product and make a sale. $30.44 is much better than the $5.00 you'd get if you sold some dishes :-)

Future $ is if the product is a monthly/recurring billing product, like a membership site where their buys would pay them every single month. Those products tend to be good products to promote. In the case above, that is not a recurring/membership style website.

Total $/sale is the amount of money that you would get if you sold their product right now, today. Whereas, the $/sale figure we talked about above is an average amount, including any refunds that customers have done in the past.

%/sale is the commission percentage. So, if the product costs $100, you would get $75 per sale.

%refd is the percentage of sales made of this product that were referred by their affiliates. In the example above, 75% of their product sales were made by their affiliates.

grav stands for gravity. This is the total number of affiliates that have made 1 or more sales of this product in the past 8 weeks. This number is good to know. You know that over 100 other people have currently told at least 1 copy of this product... so it is possible to sell it as an affiliate.

Focus on Total $/sale, %/sale, and gravity.
It's good to know roughly how much money you'll make per sale.
Promote stuff that is 50% or higher in commission percentage. You'll find that almost every CB product is at least 50%.

And, then gravity, which I keep a constant watch over. Gravity is extremely important.

There is an excellent program called Affiliate Elite from Brad Callen that does all this and more for you – but it involves a subscription of about $40 monthly or an outright purchase – which I will only take up when I generate enough affiliate income so that it can pay for itself.

This may not suit you – so do what you bank balance can afford.



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