"Expert Gardening Solutions"

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint AND having a beautiful garden

 Here's what you'll discover today, inside...

  • Eco-friendly gardening; how to be green naturally with a garden
  • Cottage gardens
  • Rose gardening
  • Fragrant and climbing plants
  • Lawn Care
  • Tips and ideas for garden and landscape design
  • Soil preparation
  • The Food garden: How to grow vegetables, fruits, salads (basic instructions)
  • Practicalities and care
  • Recommended books on gardening
  • And Much More...

This is a 140+ page e-book specifically for new gardeners - there are clear ideas and instructions to

help new home-owners get going with their first garden or re-designing an old one.

Special Introductory Offer For A Limited Time Only



"Expert Gardening Solutions"


The Things You Can Do
Ideas, Plants, Maintenance in a simple format

Now Comes with an 18 page supplement

Please feel free to contact me if you need more help. I can provide
some inexpensive simple designs and ideas in any way that suits you or your budget.

There is no charge for answering a few basics, but if you would like more coaching
I will negotiate a very reasonable rate that suits us both


Peter Damien Ryan
Skypename: peterryan100
Time zone 13 hours ahead of New York








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