"The Lowdown On Rose Gardening Made Easy"
Here's what you'll discover, inside...
- Rose Gardening
- A Potted History of roses and their classification (types)
- The Best Roses
- How to choose the Best Roses
- How Do You Plant a Rose
- Rose Care
- Get the Dirt on Roses
- How To Compost
Shedding the Light on Rose Growing …. plus some water
- Roses and your Climate
- 10 Top Tips for Growing Roses Successfully
- Pruning Roses
- The Secret of Pruning Climbing Roses
- Curious Odds and End about Roses
- A Glossary of Basic Terms
- Useful Links and recommended Reading
How to Mulch Composting
Aim of the book
To provide an overview of Roses and how to be a successful rose gardener
To get beginners off to a head start
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"The Lowdown On Rose Gardening Made Easy"
The Things You Need To Do To Fall In Love With Rose Gardening
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Peter Damien Ryan pharos140@yahoo.com
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